Strawberry Generative Modeling

In this project, I analyzed the structural and formal qualities of a strawberry to extract a blueprint on which to build four variations of a system created through the use of generative modeling and paneling tools in Rhinoceros.

Strawberry Formal Analysis

Strawberries are complex forms featuring several different parts. The first and most obvious part of the strawberry is the tapered dewdrop shape of the fleshy exterior. The strawberry is covered in seeds which exist in a pattern of offset spiral forms that make up the surface of the fruit. These spiral forms connect radially to a central core from which all forms extend. This central core features repetition of concentric forms, not unlike the layers of the earth.

The most important element, however, is how the spiral form created by the seeds connects to the center in a uniform, radial pattern.

Generative Modeling Transformations


1. Curve Pattern

2. Thickness Variation 1

3. Thickness Variation 2

4. Array

5. Surface Driven Transformations

6. Large Scale Combinations of Unit Transformations

 Final Design Variations

Perspective Renderings

Building Scale

Furniture Scale


neugebager house


mass and composition